Thursday, October 31, 2019
Law v.s. Opinion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Law v.s. Opinion - Essay Example Born on August 1, of 1930, he recently passed away on January 23, 2002. His views embody the disciplines of many tenets including: philosophy, literary theory, sociology, and anthropology. He is the protagonist of the world of sociological studies, and he opposed and debunked some of the most prevalent antagonisms in the genre. His most popular work is Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. In the 1967 study, he interprets how members of the upper class define taste as an aesthetic. He finds that the public has no genuine representation in democratic societies. Pierre Bourdieu asserts that public opinion does not exist. This poses the question, how should we conceive public opinion If it is true that the public does not exist, than the real question is, whose opinion is public opinion Rational Choice Theory poses that idea that human beings form their opinions and decisions based on collective observations and calculations. It also assumes all individuals are well informed of all of their options and that it is an inherent human tendency to think everyone makes decisions this way. If this is true, it would explain the blind faith people have in public opinion. It is a faith so devout, it often sways and molds popular culture ideals. Pierre Bourdieu strongly negates this view. According to his perspective, if there is no public opinion then, the courts judge based entirely according to the law, and their own personal judgment, which we perceive in compliance with an imaginary public. The constitution ends up having a very significant say in the lives of the people. This forces us to look at its core creation by the Federalists and the government that has grown to live by it. The government we have today has come a long way since it's creation by the Founding Fathers. With the new disappointments arising towards the current administration, many have begun to question and asses the purpose of the constitution structured by the Founding Fathers and how it still applies to us today. Some go so far as to suggest that the federalists who framed the constitution insisted on limited federal involvement, but the history of America shows this is not the case. The Federalists protested limited government, while secretly creating a constitution that might one day form into an all powerful force. In fact, history shows that every official in any given office usually tends to take actions to increase the power of the government, whether state or federal, regardless of party classification. This is a formula specifically structured to maintain a minority class of wealthy elite to rule over the majority. The only difference between then and now is technological advancem ent and experience in the elitist control of the masses. If it were not for the presence of these traits in American society, there would be no real physical change to analyze. In a sense, nothing has really changed; money is still as much the emperor of our nation now, as it was then. Until the twentieth century both scholars and the public revered the Framers as demigods and canonized the Constitution as the crowning symbol of a democratic revolution against tyranny. However, the many publicized political and corporate scandals of the Progressive Era in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries influenced historians to begin viewing the Constitutional
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Challenge Workplace Diversity Essay Example for Free
Challenge Workplace Diversity Essay As with anything that requires a change in established attitudes and behavior, achieving true diversity in the workplace can be a challenge. The challenges of diversity in the workplace are often the result of a combination of different factors, but resistance to change on the part of both employees and employers continues to be the primary underlying issue. One of the challenge workplace diversity is communication. This is because an organization trying to adopt a more inclusive environment is assimilation for any member outside of the dominant group. Without proper communication, barriers that exist between groups of people due to actual or perceived differences and pre-conceived notions cannot be effectively broken down. The purpose of diversity training in the workplace, among other things, is to improve communications between diverse social groups. Besides that ,the challenge is refer to diversity management. Related to the challenge of policy implementation, diversity management must be properly delegated and enforced in order to be effective. If no one person or department is in charge of enforcement and implementation of any type of policy, it goes without saying that the policy will most likely not be effectively followed or enforced. Diverstiy management also want to face many problem when their worker giving different opinions and should find the good solution to solve from different etnic. Managing diversity is more than simply acknowledging differences in people. This is an additional challenge that diverse organizations face, maintaining a culture which supports the idea of employee voice especially for marginalized group members. When the organizational environment is not supportive of dissenting viewpoints, employees may choose to remain silent for fear of repercussions or they may seek alternative safe avenues to express their concerns and frustrations such as on-line forums and affinity group meetings. By finding opportunities such as these to express dissent, individuals can begin to gather collective support and generate collective sense-making which creates a voice for the marginalized members so they can have a collective voice to trigger change.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of Accounting in the Hospitality Industry
Importance of Accounting in the Hospitality Industry Broadly speaking, the process of financial management takes place at two levels. At the individual level, financial management involves tailoring expenses according to the financial resources of an individual. Individuals with surplus cash or access to funding invest their money to make up for the impact of taxation and inflation. Else, they spend it on discretionary items. They need to be able to take the financial decisions that are intended to benefit them in the long run and help them achieve their financial goals. From an organizational point of view, the process of financial management is associated with financial planning and financial control. Financial planning seeks to quantify various financial resources available and plan the size and timing of expenditures. Financial control refers to monitoring cash flow. Inflow is the amount of money coming into a particular company, while outflow is a record of the expenditure being made by the company. Managing this movement of funds in relation to the budget is essential for a business. At the corporate level, the main aim of the process of managing finances is to achieve the various goals a company sets at a given point of time. Businesses also seek to generate substantial amounts of profits, following a particular set of financial processes. Financial managers aim to boost the levels of resources at their disposal. Besides, they control the functioning on money put in by external investors. Providing investors with sufficient amount of returns on their investments is one of the goals that every company tries to achieve. Efficient financial management ensures that this becomes possible. WHY IS ACCOUNTING IS IMPORTAN IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY? A proper accounting system is essential to any business whether big or small in order to manage its daily functions and keep the businesses running successfully. For any successful business, the main obligation is to maximize profits, minimize any loss and at the same time maintain its position as a responsible entity within the society Behind every successful business is a sound financial model. This simple theory holds true in any business, whether it is retail, manufacturing, or high tech. It most certainly is true in the hospitality business. By employing basic accounting principles, hotel owners and managers have the information they need to optimize performance in every operational area, from inventory and payroll to sales and marketing. They can reduce expenses, be prepared to accommodate guests during peak business times, and scale back operations during slow periods. Rather than relying on intuition and reacting to events, successful owners have the financial facts readily available to proactively make the right decisions at the right time. A good financial system goes well beyond developing an annual budget. The financial system needs to provide the mechanism for managers to easily track performance against the budget, identify issues and rapidly make adjustments, and create and use reports that will give them accurate financial status at any point in time. Just as importantly, there must be managers in place who are trained and accountable for meeting financial objectives. A good financial system goes well beyond developing an annual budget. The financial system needs to provide the mechanism for managers to easily track performance against the budget, identify issues and rapidly make adjustments, and create and use reports that will give them accurate financial status at any point in time. Just as importantly, there must be managers in place who are trained and accountable for meeting financial objectives. DIFFERENCE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING WITH TH E FANANCIAL MANAGEMENT There are two broad types of accounting information: Financial Accounts: geared toward external users of accounting information and Management Accounts: aimed more at internal users of accounting information Although there is a difference in the type of: information presented in financial andmanagement accounts, the underlying objective is the same to satisfy the information needs of the user. Financial accounts describe the performance of a business over a specific period and the state of affairs at the end of that period. The specific period is often referred to as the Trading Period and is usually one year long. The period-end date as the Balance Sheet Date .Companies that are incorporated under the Companies Act 1989 are required by law to prepare and publish financial accounts. The level of detail required in these accounts reflects the size of the business with smaller companies being required to prepare only brief accounts. The format of published financial accounts is determined by several different regulatory elements: Company Law, Accounting Standards and Stock Exchange. Financial accounts concentrate on the business as a whole rather than analysing the component parts of the business. For example, sales are aggregated to provide a figure for total sales rather than publish a detailed analysis of sales by product, market etc. Most financial accounting information is of a monetary nature By definition, financial accounts present a historic perspective on the financial performance of the business Management accounts are used to help management record, plan and control the activities of a business and to assist in the decision-making process. They can be prepared for any period (for example, many retailers prepare daily management information on sales, margins and stock levels). There is no legal requirement to prepare management accounts, although few (if any) well-run businesses can survive without them. There is no pre-determined format for management accounts. They can be as detailed or brief as management wish. Management accounts can focus on specific areas of a business activities. For example, they can provide insights into performance of: Products, Separate business locations (e.g. different hotels in chain) and Departments / divisions. Management accounts usually include a wide variety of non-financial information. For example, management accounts often include analysis of: Employees (number, costs, productivity etc.), Sales volumes (units sold etc.) and Customer transactions (e.g. number of calls received into a call centre) Management accounts largely focus on analysing historical performance. However, they also usually include some forward-looking elements e.g. a sales budget; cash-flow forecast
Friday, October 25, 2019
Definitions of Words Relating to the Sea :: Ocean Marine Life Aquatics Essays
Definitions of Words Relating to the Sea The Wave Machine The wave machine is a simulator that will allow you to create an ocean wave and determine its height. Most ocean waves are formed when the wind blows across the water's surface. The wave height is determined by three factors: wind speed, fetch, and duration. Wind Speed In 1805, Sir Francis Beaufort, observing the effects of wind speed upon the sea, devised the Beaufort Wind Scale. Though wind speed is not the only factor in determining wave size, the Beaufort scale remains a tool for seafarers to this day. Wind speed is measured in KNOTS. (1 knot is equal to 1.151 mph, or 1.852 kilometers per hour). Fetch Fetch measures the area of open water over which wind blows. Like wind duration, the distance waves travel has a significant impact upon their size. Fetch is measured in NAUTICAL MILES. (1 nautical mile is equal to 1.151 miles, or 1.852 kilometers). Wind Duration Wind duration reflects how long the wind has blown in the same direction. Even at slower speeds, stead winds can create higher and more powerful waves than those resulting from brief, strong gusts. Wave Types Capillary waves The smallest waves created when the wind blows acroos a smooth water surface. Friction between the air and water molecules results in the creation of these small ripples, which are less than .7 inches long. Shallow-Water Waves Wind generated waves that travel in water shallower than one-twentieth of their wavelength. Deep-Water Waves Wind generated waves that travel in water deeper than one half of their wavelength. Swell A swell is formed when waves move away from the storm or generating area and become more regular. Waves exhibit longer periods and rounded crests, creating a uniform pattern on the ocean surface. Rogue wave A rogue wave is an unusually large wave caused by combining the heights of waves that meet simultaneously.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How does Dickinson mock puritan values in her poems? Essay
Dickinson poem ‘the world is not conclusion’ does not reflect a concentrated attack however she does mock puritanism and undermine its values, although she is a religious catholic Christian herself she feels that people do not understand religion like she does and that they are trying understand something which they never will. She conveys in the poem that there is an afterlife and how it undiscovered ‘s you have to go through it to know, suggests that she has experienced death. mentions themes of puritanism and death in this poem, similar themes are discussed in ‘I felt a funeral in my brain’ and ‘There’s a certain slant of light’. Dickinson starts poem 501 with the lines ‘This world is not Conclusion. ‘ this line shows that Dickinson is certain that there is afterlife, this line also shows confidence in the speakers tone suggesting that maybe Dickinson has experienced this to be so certain. This line is paradoxical since since in this line she is suggesting that there is an afterlife however she ends the sentence with a full stop, implying a stop or end to something. The word conclusion stands out in this line since it starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. This gives the word ‘conclusion’ emphasises and shows its importance. This line shows religious connotations since it is related to death. It neither mocks or supports puritanism however it just highlights something that the speaker confidently believes. Poem 501 is written without any stanzas and flows right the way through this may be to highlight the continuous search for answers about death and religion and how this search it futile and everlasting since death can not be discovered. The tone at the beginning of the poem is quite arrogant implied by her confidence. Similarly in poem 280 Dickinson says ‘ I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,’ this suggests that she has been through death and that she is now recalling events from the past, this also hints that Dickinson is mocking puritan values since she may be implying that people try to understand death and she has already understood it, making her self more knowledgeable then the ‘scholars’. The word brain associates to mental stability or state of mind, we may interpret that by using the phrase ‘in my Brain’ it shows Dickinson losing her sanity and losing her mental stability as she is experiencing this in her mind rather than in reality. The coma used after ‘Funeral,’ is quite significant as it breaks the sentence in too two parts highlighting the distance between her actually experiencing death and her thinking that she is experiencing death. Against the tone her is quite arrogant as she seems to be more knowledgeable then the believers and the faithful people, suggesting she is pointing a finger at puritan values. Dickinson clearly mocks puritan values in the line ‘To guess, puzzles scholars-‘ this lines picks on the scholars knowledge and questions his knowledge, this line also suggests that the scholars are naive and in actual they don’t know what they are talking about. This shows a slight arrogance on the speakers part as it makes it seem as if the speaker has the knowledge and the scholars don’t. It also shows that maybe Dickinson has experienced death since she is so confident. The word ‘puzzles’ in this poem associates to confusion, which shows that Dickinson is mocking the puritan values as she claims they don’t have enough knowledge or understanding about something they believe in so strongly. The line ends with a dash this may represent how the scholars are trying to work out something which is not able to be understood and the dash may represent the endless search for answerers. Similarly in poems 280 she also highlights the puritanisms nativity by saying ‘That sense was breaking through-‘ this makes the puritans seem like they have no sense since she say ‘sense was breaking through’ its like she is implying that finally they are understanding. This line ends with a dash implying that the puritans are having some result and maybe that there is hope , this line also shows that the puritans are finally understanding god or religion. Dickinson criticises puritans again by saying ‘Faith slips-and laughs, and rallies’ from this we interpret that Dickinson is saying that faith can slip and is not always perfect. This picks at puritan values and makes it seem that they are not perfect, by saying this she implies that she may be something better then the people who follow puritan values. The word ‘slips’ associates to imperfection showing how Dickinson attacks puritan values it shows how she undermines the puritan values as imperfect and weak. Dickinson uses a dash after ‘slips’ in this line to emphasise the flaws of puritan values. The line has two comas in it, to slow the sentence down and really emphasise what Dickinson is saying, the comas also make us question the puritan beliefs. The capital letter of ‘Faith’ makes it something important and gives it a status. Similarly in poem 258 Dickinson says ‘That oppresses, like the Heft/Of Cathedral Tunes-‘ this line shows that the puritan values such as the cathedral tunes oppress people and put down there individualism. The word ‘Heft associates to something heavy or burden like, this shows how Dickinson attacks puritans since she is saying there traditions are suppressing, she also capitalises ‘Heft’ giving it a heavy and downwards feel, the capital letter almost literally puts a burden on the reader. Dickinson puts a dash at the end of this line since it shows a unfinished feeling and shows that their traditions are incomplete and they are never ending. Overall Dickinson does attack puritan values and mocks them. She repeatedly shows them to be oppressing and incomplete in the sense that puritans themselves are unaware of there teahings and faith.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Volcanic Landforms
Volcanic Landforms Volcano is essentially a fissure or vent (opening) which serves as an outlet for hot magma from beneath the Earth’s crust. The hot liquid magma coming out in the form of lava (most commonly molten basalt) is potential of shaping different landforms on earth crust. The most common landforms that are results of volcanic activity include cones, craters, calderas, domes etc. This article gives a description of these volcanic landforms. SHIELD VOLCANOES- These are characterised by gentle upper slopes. The slope varies from only 5 degrees to 10 degrees.The shield volcanoes are made up of mainly thin lava flows around central vent. The low viscosity lava (low silica content) travels down gently and as it cools down it creates less steeper lower slope. These are also found at the flanks of bigger volcanoes like Kilauea is situated on the Hawaiian shield volcano. STRATOVOLCANOES- These are characterised somewhat steeper slopes (30 degrees to 40degees) near the vent a nd the summit due to highly viscous lava flows are not able to travel long distances before they cool down.The less steeper slopes at the base is due to erosional activity. The show inter layering of pyroclastic material and thus sometimes also called composite volcanoes. Pyroclastic material make upto 50% of a stratovolcano. They show a long time of repose which makes them quite dangerous. CINDER CONES- They are small volume cones build up by fall deposites around the eruptive vent. There slope is around 25-30 degrees. During later stages of eruptions the lava may come out from the flanks. Cinder and tephra cones usually occur around summit vents and flank vents of stratovolcanoes.MAARS- The magma heats up the groundwater and converts it into vapours which builds up pressure and results in eruptions containing water and pre-existing rocks. Walls of crater fall back into crater and fills it with loose material. If the crater depth reaches below the water table of the region, the maa rs often fill up with water. LAVA DOMES- The viscous lava or rhyolitic lava is not able to flow far away from the vent, it rather accumulates over the vent. The forecoming lava from the vent pushes and the upper solidified outer surface rolls down to the flank.The slope is very rough due to spines pushed up by the magma below. CRATERS AND CALDERAS- Craters are the depressions which are the results of explosions emitting gases and tephras. They can range upto 1km in diameter. Calderas are large depressions, circular or elliptical in shape with diameters ranging from 1 km to 50 km. Calderas form as a result of collapse of a volcanic structure. The collapse results from evacuation of the underlying magma chamber. The evacuation process of lava chambers in stratovolcanoes in rapid and as the lava goes out the walls collapse and form a large crater.They are enclosed depressions which often collect rain water and snow melt and may form lakes. Like Crater Lake in southern Oregon is about 8 km in diameter and dated to be formed around 6800years ago. FUMAROLES- A fumarole is vent where gases, either from a magma body at depth, or steam from heated groundwater, emerges at the surface of the Earth. Since most magmatic gas is H2O vapor, and since heated groundwater will produce H2O vapor, fumaroles will only be visible if the water condenses. H2O vapor is invisible, unless droplets of liquid water have condensed). HOT SPRINGS- Hot springs or thermal springs are areas where hot water comes to the surface of the Earth. Cool groundwater moves downward and is heated by a body of magma or hot rock. A hot spring results if this hot water can find its way back to the surface, usually along fault zonesGYESERS- A geyser results if the hot spring has a plumbing system that allows for the accumulation of steam from the boiling water.When the steam pressure builds so that it is higher than the pressure of the overlying water in the system, the steam will move rapidly toward the surfac e, causing the eruption of the overlying water. Some geysers, like Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park, erupt at regular intervals. The time between eruptions is controlled by the time it takes for the steam pressure to build in the underlying plumbing system. |
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